I recently decided to redo the bulletin boards in the entry of our office/house and try to make things look more tidy. I enlisted Ning to help me make sure things were centered and straight. Much to my amazement, she really got into the project. She loved to use the drill and I think she was disappointed when the last hole was finished. The years of helping my mother put up her bulletin boards at the start of the school year came in handy in cutting out the lettering. I moved the map and redid the pins with typed names and color codes to show our pediatrics and internal medicine graduates and current residents around the country. It is nice to see the coverage over the country. We will soon have pediatricians in every province in the country. It will be a little longer for IM, but we are making progress. This project was a nice addition to the office and often viewed by visitors.
Finished project (nearly--I still want to fix the pages for each class)
1 comment:
If there are not yet internists and/or pediatricians in some provinces, who's there? GPs? Is there anything like Family Practice there?
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